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4 Ways Nurses Can Get the Most out of Their Overtime

Nursing is both a rewarding and demanding career — one that often involves picking up extra shifts and overtime hours. You work hard, so it’s important to make your overtime pay work hard for you. Here are four ways to get the most value from your extra time on the job.


Maximize student loan payments

Nurses often graduate with thousands of dollars in student loan debt. Loan payments can be a substantial financial burden, especially for those just starting their careers. However, there may be opportunities for nurses to pay down their student loan debt faster, including using overtime pay to make extra student loan payments. This can help to speed up the process of loan repayment and reduce the overall amount of interest paid, which could save money in the long run.

In addition, nurses may also be able to refinance their student loans to a lower interest rate. As high earners with consistent overtime pay, nurses can often take advantage of specific nursing student loan refinance opportunities, which could help save money on student loan payments each year.


Save up for a financial goal

In addition to paying down student loan debt, extra income from overtime work can also be strategically used to reach other financial goals. For example, if you’re saving up for a down payment on a house or a new car, setting aside your overtime pay can be a helpful way to speed up the process. By planning to direct all, or a defined percentage of your extra income toward your goal, you may be able to reach it faster than if you simply let the funds sit in your checking account with your regular income. Of course, you’ll still need to be mindful of spending to make the most of this strategy. But if you can stick to your budget and keep unnecessary expenses in check, diverting your overtime pay into savings can be an efficient way to reach your financial goals.


Put the money in an interest-bearing account

With inflation on the rise, many people are looking for ways to save money and keep up with increasing costs. One way to do this, especially if you’re saving up for a shorter-term financial goal, is to put your overtime pay into an interest-bearing account like a high-yield savings account, and take advantage of compound interest that works in your favor. By doing this, you can earn interest on the money that might otherwise just sit in a checking account where you’ll be tempted to spend it. Putting money into an interest-bearing account can also be a great way to save up an emergency fund and become financially prepared for the unexpected.


Invest in yourself

Sometimes the most important investment you can make is in yourself. This might mean using some of your overtime pay to invest in your future by taking courses or attending conferences to help you advance in your career. Whether it’s joining a professional association or pursuing the next degree, investing in your career can not only make you more marketable, but it can also lead to better opportunities down the road.