A healthy workplace is one where employees feel comfortable and supported. It’s a place where they can be themselves and do their best work. While not all functional workplaces are exactly the same, they share a few key characteristics. Let’s look at the hallmarks of a healthy workplace:
Work-life balance
Work-life balance is the ability to achieve a sense of harmony between “work” (the activities related to one’s occupation) and “life” (the rest of a person’s daily activities outside of work—family, hobbies, home, etc.). Achieving this balance can help to prevent burnout, increase job satisfaction, and improve overall well-being.
Some components of a good work-life balance include clear boundaries between work and home life and a workplace that is understanding of outside-work obligations (and accommodates them within reason). This may involve giving employees the ability to set regular hours for work and stick to them as much as possible. Employees should also be able to take time off from work regularly, both for vacation as well as everyday breaks from tasks.
A healthy workplace is one where employees feel comfortable expressing their opinions, can offer input on company decisions, and have a good work-life balance. A flexible work environment is key to achieving this. Flexibility can come in many forms, but it usually means employees feel like they have some control over their workday, whether it’s in terms of their hours, their tasks, or their working environment. Good employers are also flexible in their thinking, and they’re open to new ideas and ways of doing things. This can allow them to quickly adapt to changes in the marketplace or unexpected events, and keep their employees engaged.
Good communication
Good communication is a key aspect of a healthy workplace. Whether it’s the way colleagues talk to each other or company-wide communication, effective, clear, transparent communication can build trust and avoid wasted time and confusion. Of course, effective communication doesn’t just mean being able to express yourself clearly: It also means being a good listener and being able to understand what others are saying.
People feel valued and respected
It’s no secret that feeling valued and respected at work can make a big difference in employees’ overall satisfaction with their jobs. There are many factors that can contribute to a workplace where employees feel valued and respected, including those discussed above. There are other ways companies can show employees that they’re invested in their careers. For example, if employees are given the opportunity to learn and grow, they’ll feel like the company is investing in their development, and that there’s room for them to advance in their career. Feeling valued also extends to compensation and benefits—things like health insurance, life insurance, and vacation days matter. Overall, creating an environment where employees feel valued and respected helps people feel motivated and invested in their work. They’re also more likely to trust our colleagues and build strong relationships with them.