The Dolman Law Group is currently accepting clients with potential claims related to autism caused when pregnant mothers took Tylenol. Their team is presently reviewing cases at no cost to individuals who believe they may have a claim.
Tylenol & Autism – Background
Recent studies have suggested that using Tylenol while pregnant can increase the risk of a child developing health issues, including autism spectrum disorder, complex developmental disorder, and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).
Tylenol is a brand name of the generic drug acetaminophen, so individuals may have a claim even if they took generic acetaminophen.
The Dolman Law Group is currently seeking claims against:
• McNeil Consumer Products Company, the maker of Tylenol
• Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals, the company that makes generic acetaminophen
• Potentially, certain retailers that sell acetaminophen, including CVS, Walmart, and Costco
Using Tylenol While Pregnant Can Allegedly Result in Significant Losses for Mothers and Their Children
Women who took Tylenol while pregnant and their children can allegedly experience significant losses for years or even decades. For example, if a child develops autism spectrum disorder (ASD), possibly as a result of his or her mother using Tylenol, the child may need medication, extra help in school, and therapy. In fact, a child with severe ASD may require ongoing care for their entire life.
For this reason, many observers expect successful Tylenol-autism claims to result in significant compensation.
How Much Can Victims Expect to Recover?
While it is too soon to determine exactly how much a Tylenol-acetaminophen claim is worth, the attorneys at the Dolman Law Group have put together some preliminary numbers. Healthcare professionals categorize ASD into three levels, with one being the least severe and three being the most severe.
The Dolman Law Group’s projections for possible settlement values are as follows:
• ASD Level 1 Claims – $150,000 to $225,000
• ASD Level 2 Claims – $250,000 to $500,000
• ASD Level 3 Claims – $500,000+
The Dolman Law Group is a full-service personal injury law firm that serves clients in Florida, Massachusetts, Houston, San Antonio, and New York. In addition to representing clients with claims related to Tylenol and autism, they work with individuals who suffered injuries in car accidents, truck accidents, pedestrian accidents, motorcycle accidents, and bicycle accidents. Reporters who want more information about the connection between Tylenol and autism or prospective clients can receive a free case evaluation by contacting the firm at (727) 451-6900 or through their online contact form.
Matthew A Dolman, Esq.
Dolman Law Group
800 N Belcher RD
Clearwater, FL 33765
Phone: (727) 451-6900
[email protected]