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How to Bring Your Skincare Routine on Vacation

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People wait all year for their next vacation, ready to see the sights and feel the freedom from their daily grind. But often, travelers don’t consider the reality of bringing their skincare routine with them until they start packing the day before. 

Traveling exposes the skin to various elements that can negatively impact its health and appearance. Staying on schedule with your skincare routine while out of town is important so as not to lose the progress you’ve made. Realistically, taking an entire regimen in your suitcase for days or weeks may be a pipe dream. So here are some tips on making the most of your vacation while keeping your skin in optimal shape.

Be willing to compromise just a little bit

Unless you’re traveling somewhere for a long time in one location, it may be unreasonable to expect to take your entire skincare routine with you. In this scenario, accepting that you may have to compromise on your skin for a short time is important. 

Bring what you need, or exclusively pack your favorite products, and you’ll feel like yourself no matter how much your routine is altered. At the end of the day, even 70% of a skincare routine will keep your skin bright, radiant and healthy for at least a few weeks, no matter how important you think your entire routine is.

Focus on the more important products

In that same vein, packing the most essential products is the key to dealing with this compromise. Facial cleaners, moisturizers and sunscreen are far more important to your skin’s health on vacation than that new designer product you recently bought on a whim. Pack the essentials, those products that provide the basis for your skincare routine. 

Good skincare starts with the basics. Take inventory of your routine and stock up on the most important products before deciding if you have enough time or space to pack the less necessary items. If you’ve recently had a skincare procedure from a med spa offering services like laser hair removal or Botox near you, keeping these foundational items in your vacation arsenal is even more important.

Avoid hotel skincare products

Skincare products at hotels are hit or miss. If you stay at the Ritz, you’ll probably have some of the highest-quality products in your hotel bathroom. But not all of us can stay at the Ritz, and sometimes you’re faced with whatever generic product the hotel can get for you.

If your skincare routine is of the utmost importance, avoiding these products while on vacation may be wise. They often include harsh chemicals and fewer natural ingredients. On skin accustomed to a more quality routine, these products could cause irritation or light damage. 

Pack the essentials so you don’t have to rely on hotel skincare products. However, if you can’t take any of your routine with you, rest assured these hotel products will not harm your skin irreparably. You’ll be fine – but your products will likely be better.

Use sheet masks or facial mist while in transit

Plane flights can be long, tiresome and uncomfortable. A taxi or Uber can feel nearly as claustrophobic. A sheet mask or facial mist can help refresh your skin, even in these tight spaces. Consider bringing along a few of these products so that even in transit, you can feel as though your skin is feeling the best it can in the least likely places.

Bottom line

Whether you’re treating yourself to microneedling at a tropical resort in Florida or trying something new like Botox in New Hartford, NY, keeping your skincare routine intact while out of town is critically important for keeping your skin in the best shape possible. These tactics will help you find easier ways to pack up your products and decide on the most important ones for your continued skincare journey.