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Haitian Development Network Launches the HDNdigest to Advance Haitian Progress Globally

Washington, DC, September 12, 2023 — Haitian Development Network (HDN), a notable advocate for the socio-economic and cultural advancement of Haiti and its people, has announced the launch of the 2nd issue of its new multilingual cybermedia, the HDNdigest.

In this 2nd issue of September 7, 2023, in keeping with our intention to create a multilingual Haitian digital library, we are offering two chapters from one of the most important works ever published by a Haitian, Anténor Firmin’s De l’égalité des races humaines: anthropologie positive (1885), with their English translation by Asselin Charles.

We also turn the spotlight on a Montreal institution of great importance for Haitian studies, the CIDIHCA (Centre International de Documentation et d’Information Haïtienne, Caribéenne et Afro-canadienne), which is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. And it is no coincidence that our “New & Noteworthy” section highlights CIDIHCA’s recent publication of an impressive autobiography by Haitian historian Claude Moïse, Ce que je croyais, ce que je crois encore. Liberté, citoyenneté, solidaritéwith excerpts from the original French typewritten with their translation into English and Spanish.

Moving on to another story, we also draw attention to a remarkable French TV documentary on the “Marche sur Washington” (March on Washington) of August 28, 1963, which ended with Martin Luther King’s famous speech, “I have a dream!”

Finally, in our section on finance and investment, we offer a short article by Jean Jonassaint on tax-sheltered forms of saving in Canada, the U.S. and France.

The digest is expressly designed for a diverse readership with an interest in the progress of Haitians and Haitian descendants, within Haiti and in communities worldwide. However, its chronicles in English, French, Haitian Creole and Spanish on education, economics, finance, health, and science could be very useful for everyone seeking advancements at all levels.  

Freely available online, HDNdigestensures easy access for viewers, readers, and listeners across the globe. “This publication is a significant step for HDN, and we are excited about its launch. We believe in fostering a knowledgeable community that can better support Haiti’s continued growth and advancement,” said Jean Jonassaint, a co-founder and co-editor of the digest.

For more information on the HDNdigest, please contact the co-editors Asselin Charles and Jean Jonassaint [email protected].

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See Campaign: https://hdn.org

Contact Information:

Name: Jean Jonassaint
Email: [email protected]
Job Title: Co-editors

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