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6 Tips to Keep Skin Fresh Year-Round

Botox near me, Botox Orchard Park

Seasons change, days turn to nights and skin feels the impacts all year long. Skin needs constant attention to remain fresh amid the shifting temperatures, weather and daily stresses of life. Ignoring the body’s biggest organ can have hazardous effects. 

Skin doesn’t have an offseason. Here are some tips for keeping skin fresh year-round, no matter how much the world tries to damage it.

1. Have a consistent skin care routine

Consistency is key. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is healthy skin. Similar to a diet, results don’t magically sustain after a week or a month of hard work. The best results are always seen with consistency and discipline over a long period of time.

Moisturizing daily and routinely exfoliating are two easy ways to ensure skin remains broadly healthy for the entire year. Moisturizing improves skin hydration and can strengthen the skin barrier. Many people view moisturizing as an aesthetic decision, but it carries myriad health benefits. It helps skin stay young, helps conceal blemishes and prevents future skin issues. Exfoliating, meanwhile, keeps the skin silky and smooth, removing dead skin cells from the face. It can prevent clogged pores, increase collagen production and improve skin elasticity.

These basics take on even more importance after skincare procedures. Once you find a professional offering Botox near you and schedule an appointment, skincare post-treatment is just as critical as before. The skin is at its most sensitive in the days after these procedures, so moisturizing and exfoliating should play even more of a role.

2. Use sunscreen every day

The sun’s rays batter unprotected skin, causing sunburn and prematurely aging the skin. Even on cloudy days, skin is susceptible to sun damage. Daily sunscreen use is, without hyperbole, one of the most important ways to keep skin fresh year-round. 

Sunscreen protects against more than sunburn. It prevents the skin from aging too quickly, lowers the risk of skin cancer, helps avoid skin discoloration and stops inflammation. These benefits are significant for people with sensitive skin, who may be more at risk from sun damage. 

3. Develop good dietary habits

The foods and beverages a person consumes significantly impact skin health. A balanced diet provides vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help repair and regenerate skin cells. Proper water intake keeps the skin hydrated, preventing flaky skin and improving skin elasticity. Foods high in amino acids and Omega-3 fatty acids can stimulate collagen production and reduce inflammation.

Meanwhile, a poor diet can cause an inflammatory reaction in the body, leading to eczema, acne and other skin conditions. Alcohol can dehydrate the skin and sap vitamins and minerals. Smoking can cause early aging and skin discoloration. If keeping the skin fresh year-round is a goal, avoid smoking and drink as little alcohol as possible.

4. Get at least 8 hours of sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep positively impacts all aspects of health, including the skin. During sleep, blood flow increases in the skin and helps rebuild collagen and repair damage. Poor sleep causes the skin to age faster and recover less efficiently. Persistent tiredness can raise stress levels, which can also negatively impact skin. At least 8 hours should be considered a good baseline.

5. Invest in good skin care products with natural ingredients

Most consumer skincare products will do the job adequately, keeping skin healthy and refreshed. But for those seeking the healthiest skin possible year-round, it may be wise to consider higher-quality products made with natural ingredients. 

Natural ingredients are less harsh on the skin than the chemicals present in many consumer-grade products. More expensive doesn’t necessarily mean better quality, so check the ingredients label and read customer reviews before splurging for a hot new skincare product.

6. Stay active and avoid stress

Staying active and engaging in daily exercise improves collagen production and positively affects skin tone and texture. Walking, running, lifting or any other physical activity stimulates blood flow and circulation, helping oxygen and nutrients flow easily to the skin.

Exercise also helps avoid stress, which can foil your skincare plans if left unchecked. Stress can increase inflammation, including hives and acne. It can also worsen existing skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.

Bottom line

Keeping skin fresh year-round is a comprehensive activity. Passive care can prevent damage, but taking an active role in skincare can ensure bright and radiant skin no matter the season. These tenets remain true after skincare procedures such as Botox or laser hair removal. After getting Botox in Orchard Park or anywhere else in New York, following these tips can help skin recover and remain healthy. Using good products, avoiding stress, staying active, eating well and being consistent will keep skin in tip-top shape from January to December.