RemoveMyMugshot.org continues to be the industry leader in mugshot removal services for clients who have had their records expunged but continue to find their arrest records online. Arrest records appearing online can be an issue for individuals seeking employment, housing, romantic relationships, or new business opportunities. Mugshot publishers scrape and publish arrest records available online and never perform any follow-up on the actual case of the person. The charges against an individual can be dropped, sealed, expunged, nolle prosequi or the defendant can enter into a pretrial diversion program that results in them never facing a conviction.
Sometimes a defendant may also plead no contest to the charges which may not exactly be an exoneration but also isn’t a guilty plea. Generally, human resource professionals are not permitted to use the information found online for a background check or to make hiring decisions but more than two-thirds of such hiring professionals have admitted to doing such a thing before hiring a potential candidate.
This highlights the importance of making sure to check the search results online after having a criminal record expunged, sealed or restricted from state or federal records. Information available from public records via official databases may not match the information presented online for the same individual. This is especially true for individuals who may have committed a crime as a juvenile and had their records automatically sealed by the state.
Petitioners of expungement can rely on RemoveMyMugshot.org’s online background check removal services to ensure information publicly available online related to criminal arrests can not be found when searching for their name online or performing a free mugshot search. Search engines like Google, Bing, Duck Duck Go and Yahoo will surface information related to arrest records if steps are not taken to delete that information from the source itself.
With over a decade of experience removing mugshots and arrest records online RemoveMyMugshot.org also known simply as RMM, can delete arrest records online and reduce the visibility of negative information published on news websites related to the incident surrounding an arrest. News stories related to criminal operations by law enforcement can be especially damaging if the news publication publishes personally identifying information related to the person(s) arrested in the operation.
RemoveMyMugshot.org is a reputation management and content removal company offering highly effective crisis management strategies to private individuals across the globe looking for effective reputation management services. We are experts in content removal, article suppression, and reducing the visibility of any negative information appearing online about your employees or business.
Contact Information:
Name: Alex Adekola
Email: [email protected]
Job Title: Reputation Management
Reportedtimes, Go Media, CE, PR-Wirein, Google News, IPS, Extended Distribution, iCN Internal Distribution, Legal Newswire, English