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Cole Scott & Kissane Chooses ECFX Notice for Florida ECF Notice Processing

Cole Scott & Kissane, P.A., Florida’s largest law firm with over 550 attorneys across 13 offices, has implemented ECFX Notice as their electronic court filing (ECF) notice solution. With a litigation-heavy practice in diverse fields including, but not limited to, Asbestos, Insurance Defense, and Commercial Litigation, the firm made the decision to implement ECFX Notice to streamline their entire Electronic Court Filing (ECF) notice process.

ECFX Notice is a state-of-the-art SaaS solution that enables efficient downloading of documents in court notices, direct distribution of notices and documents to case teams, and secure storage of documents in the appropriate matter or client workspace in any DMS or file system. This process saves significant amounts of time wasted manually processing ECF notices, and decreases the potential for errors associated with delayed processing or incorrectly filed documents.

“We wanted to get rid of work that can be automated and provides no value or revenue” explained Jason Thomas, Chief Information Officer at Cole, Scott & Kissane P.A. “We had practice groups that were manually processing notices. That all changed with ECFX. We no longer have to dedicate staff to process ECF notices. We are really excited about this solution, and it is a game changer as far as how much time is put into processing new notices.”

Cole Scott & Kissane’s decision to implement ECFX Notice was driven by the platform’s comprehensive ECF notice processing capabilities for both Florida and federal courts, ensuring conformity and standardization of notice processing across the firm. By implementing ECFX Notice, the firm has taken a significant step towards optimizing their legal operations and delivering exceptional client service. Of the process, Jason Thomas remarked: “The number of documents we previously had to manually file was enormous and the work time-consuming. The difference was clear once we made the transition, and reinforces the value of automating notice processing within a firm using ECFX.”


ECFX was founded by legal and technology experts with a single goal: to address unmet automation needs in the legal industry. It is committed to filling in the gaps in legal workflows with intelligently automated solutions, enabling firms to save time, gain control, mitigate risk, and improve visibility. Its premier product, ECFX Notice, automates the downloading, profiling, storing, and distribution of court documents in ECF notices for both State and Federal courts—saving your firm hundreds of hours a week to focus on the work your clients value.

See Campaign: https://www.goecfx.com

Contact Information:

Name: Kelly Fahy
Email: kelly.fahy@goecfx.com
Job Title: Marketing Manager

Google News, IPS, Reportedtimes, PR-Wirein, CE, Go Media, iCN Internal Distribution, Extended Distribution, Legal Newswire, English