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Mastering Estate Planning: A Conversation with Paul Marchese of Marchese & Maynard LLP



Paul Marchese notes that when planning for the future, few things are as important as estate planning. Appropriately crafted property plans protect your assets and ensure a smooth wealth transition to your loved ones. As a partner at Marchese & Maynard LLP, Paul Marchese is pivotal in guiding clients through the property strategy process. With his 29 years of legal experience and solid education, he possesses the expertise to develop tailored estate plans that meet each client’s specific needs and objectives. Paul’s approach to property strategy sets him apart. He takes the time to listen to his clients, understanding their concerns and goals before crafting a plan using all the legal tools available. He excels at explaining complex legal concepts in “plain English,” ensuring that clients fully comprehend the strategies implemented in their estate plans.

Understanding the Importance of Estate Planning

Estate planning is a necessary process that allows individuals and families to proactively manage their assets and make informed decisions about their future. With a comprehensive property plan, families can avoid legal complications, potential disputes, and excessive taxes upon the individual’s passing.


Paul Marchese emphasizes the significance of property planning by highlighting the risks associated with neglecting this crucial aspect of financial management. He explains, “An estate plan provides a roadmap for the distribution of your assets, ensuring that your wishes are carried out. It also allows you to minimize tax liabilities and protect your assets from potential creditors.”

Key Components of Estate Planning

Estate planning consists of several essential components that individuals should consider when crafting a comprehensive plan for the future. These components include wills, trusts, powers of attorney and healthcare directives, and asset protection strategies.


A will serves as a vital document in property strategy, outlining how a person’s assets should be distributed upon passing. It also allows for the designation of guardians for minor children. Consulting an experienced attorney is highly recommended to ensure the will accurately reflects the individual’s wishes and adheres to legal requirements.


Trusts offer flexibility and advantages in an estate strategy. They come in various types, including revocable and irrevocable trusts. Revocable trusts allow for easy modification, while irrevocable trusts provide asset protection benefits. Trusts can help protect assets, minimize tax obligations, and ensure a smooth distribution of assets according to the individual’s wishes.

Powers of Attorney and Healthcare Directives

Advanced directives are essential for property strategy. Powers of attorney allow individuals to appoint trusted individuals to handle their financial affairs in case of incapacity. Healthcare directives, including living wills and healthcare proxies, provide instructions for medical decisions and designate someone to make healthcare choices on their behalf.

Asset Protection Strategies

Safeguarding assets is critical to property strategy. Various strategies can be employed to protect assets from potential risks and creditors. These strategies may include utilizing irrevocable trusts, forming family limited partnerships, or establishing limited liability companies. Asset protection strategies should be tailored to the specific needs and circumstances of the individual or family.

Tax Planning

Tax planning is a critical component of estate strategy. By considering various tax implications and implementing appropriate strategies, individuals can minimize property, gift, and income taxes on their assets. This may involve utilizing tax-efficient vehicles like qualified personal residence trusts (QPRTs), charitable trusts, or lifetime gifting strategies.

Business Succession Planning

For business owners, proper succession strategy is vital to ensure a smooth transition of the business to the next generation of chosen successors. This involves developing strategies to address issues such as ownership transfer, management succession, and minimizing tax implications related to the business transfer.

Legacy and Charitable Planning

Estate planning can also include considerations for leaving a lasting legacy and supporting charitable causes. Individuals may choose to establish charitable trusts, foundations, or donor-advised funds to support charitable organizations or causes they care about.


By considering these critical components of property strategy, individuals can ensure the orderly distribution of assets, protect their interests, and provide for their loved ones by their wishes. Seeking professional guidance from experienced attorneys is highly recommended to navigate the complexities of property strategy and maximize the benefits of these components.


Crafting an effective estate plan requires careful consideration and professional guidance. What sets him apart is not only his expertise but also his approach to estate planning. He brings a human touch to the process, taking a low-pressure system and developing a personal connection with his clients. He believes property strategy should be a collaborative effort between attorney and client, allowing for a deeper understanding of the client’s unique goals and aspirations. By understanding the significance of property strategy, the critical components involved, and the collaborative approach that Paul Marchese takes, individuals and families can confidently take proactive steps to secure their assets and protect their loved one’s future.